Friday, September 15, 2017

Draftsman vs Architect

Obviously an essential part of my project is finding someone to come up with my design and submit it to council. 

Last time I was deciding whether to go with an architect or draftsman.  I ended up going with an architect, who was also reasonably priced at the time as it was during the Global Financial Crisis.  As I was reading back on my emails, it brought up bad memories and that familiar feeling of dread I get when I think about going through this process again.  It ended up being a pretty frosty relationship.  It didn't help that it was my first project, but he also did a pretty pathetic job.  Looking back at my design brief compared to what was produced on the preliminary plan - he definitely ignored the brief, it was poorly designed, something that could easily be put through to council so minimal effort, and I reckon it was his student that came up with it.

So this time round, I realised it doesn't really matter if they're a draftsman or architect, they just need to be good!

To simplify things, I've decided to go with P's, who was recommended by my previous builder.

So I met with him today, talked about my design brief and showed him my sketch plan and he asked me 'What do you need me for?'  Haha - to execute my plan!  Also I'm still unsure of my façade look.  I don't want the standard ground floor brick, upper floor render.  He suggested some different materials that I'll look into - expressed joint cladding, timber battens, core ten, zinc cladding - that will need to fit in with the bush surburban neighbourhood character.

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