Friday, August 31, 2018

Conditional permit approved!

Couple weeks prior to going on hols, it was past the 60 days time limit, and an option was to lodge to VCAT with failure to decide.  However my draftsperson had spoken to the town planner and had been advised that it was likely to be approved. I was also advised that if that was the case, it was better to avoid VCAT.  Was getting anxious though as the response from the permit was taking so long, and if the conditions were too harsh, I would have to go to VCAT anyway, which would delay the process even longer.  So I called up the town planner, who sounded young, inexperienced, and he apologised for the delay as said he would be getting it reviewed by his team leader soon.  1 week went by, and still no word.  Called again, and again I was told the following week.  Was hoping it would happen before I went on holidays with poor internet connection, but nothing.

Anyway, while overseas with sparse internet connection, I finally managed to get a response.

After 6.5 months, I finally got my permit approved with conditions.

Thank God the conditions were few and relatively straight forward!

I realised during this time I was waiting that I should have been looking at finishings etc.  This is the part I hate, and now I have to start doing it with time pressures.

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