In the end I didn't need to go into the office to have a look at the cabinetry design as it was emailed to me (I asked for this in the first place and initially they said that they couldn't do it...)
An initial concern I had was that the measurements were different from my building plans - was this again another lack of attention to detail? After talking with George, I found out that the reasons for this were plasterboard (add 1cm), and also sometimes when things are built, they need more structural support so it doesn't necessarily match the building plans.
Overall, most of it was quite good except for a few things:
- DW1 sink was restricted by the cabinets on the left. Unfortunately, can't switch the sink as the pipes have already been laid.
- DW2 pot drawers were too small 650. I replaced the cupboards on either side of the oven to extend the pot drawers so they're now nice wide 956 drawers.
- Wanted to switch DW2 dishwasher/cutlery drawer and sink around so that the cutlery drawer is closer to the dining room, but same problem as DW1 sink in that it can't be done because the pipes have been laid. So in the the end I just switched the cutlery drawer - it's still close enough to the dishwasher (that we hardly use).
- DW1 fridge recess was slightly too small 884 - won't fit D's 890 fridge. Although pleased that it has a walk in pantry (didn't know it would have one otherwise I would have put a light inside it.) I have been able to change the fridge recess to 910. Trade off is that I lose 8cm from my walk in pantry, but D can now fit her (stupid) fridge (what dumbo needs to think about living in a house according to whether or not it can house their fridge!).
It now fits:
Things I've had to check and measure:
Microwave - height ideal is 400 but 364 (DW1 measurements) is sufficient
Fridge width 900 is ideal, but 884 would have been sufficient for most fridges
Dishwasher 600 sufficient
Washing machine 600
Lesson learnt:
Cabinetry needs to be considered from the start - once pipes are laid in the slab, it can't be changed and will impact on where the sinks are.
Btw, forgot to mention that b/c of Adelaide's weird weather & hard water phenomenon, fridge has expanded on all dimensions so fridge recess will need to be increased. Also, as fridge will no longer fit through doorway, let us know before roof is placed so we can drop the fridge in. A helicopter will need to be hired to enable this. Which you will also have to pay for. ~D