After Christmas the builders have a nice long holiday. Last Sunday nothing had been done, so it was nice to see when I went today that work had begun again and in a week a bit had been done.
1. Concrete floors of both garages had been poured. Although DW2 is not low enough in my opinion - should be 8cm step to the internal access but it's only 4cm.
2. The driveway had been cleared and markings for DW2 porch.

2. Sliding doors have been fitted out. DW2 powder room isn't meant to have a sliding door, but it actually works better with one.

3. The concrete steps leading out to the back from DW2 laundry.

4. Entrance doors had been delivered. One of DW2 entrance doors.

5. Baths and shower bases put in (DW1 ensuite has a bigger shower base than its meant to - I happy with that mistake!) This bath will be taken out because it is too big and a 1500 bath installed, otherwise the vanity will hang over the bath and look weird.
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