As mentioned previously, electrical has been done. This included the powerpoints (GPO), light switches, light cables, telephone cables, t.v points.
GPO, Telephone, T.v point

Electrical for DW2 kitchen

Lessons learnt:
- DW2 upstairs bathroom can't have the GPO on the vanity where I want it :( - regulation is that it need to be 1m away from the bathtub, I guess so you can't get electrocuted!
- Powerpoints can't be put where sliding doors are (I guess that makes sense)
- Rather than drill through the brick of the garage, cables are run from the ceiling down, and enclosed in this grey tube.

- I thought these were accidental nicks in the electrical cables, but learnt that they were intentional and indicated the position there were meant to be on the switch plate.

Thing that will bug me about my electrical plan:
- Not putting a GPO near DW1 kitchen bench. I put 2 on the back wall, but really should have put another one near the long bench for things like mixing bowls, toaster or telephone. I'm still not sure about the position of DW1 phone and whether I should have left it in the original place near the kitchen bench...

Also I've just noticed that the laundry switch plate is in the wrong position (green arrow). It's on the opposite wall to the entrance from the dining room which is impractical as you need to enter the dark room to the other side to turn on the light. I know the laundry isn't very big, but if it can be changed now, I may as well change it. Waiting to hear back from Dale