As I walk from the station, I can see the side view through the medical centre car park.

Yesterday when I got there, not only were all the roof frames completed, I was surprised to see that they had already installed the ground floor windows and sliding doors, and had put up the upper floor gutters and fascias. I'm impressed as to how quickly they're working.

Invoice yesterday - 15% - Frame stage completed!
When I snuck in today to take pictures I met Jenny from No. 20. She was impressed by how quickly it's been coming along. She's currently building with NBG in Mount Waverley and says they've been quite slow. She's also planning on knocking down the current house and building, and she also said that No. 4 is too. Further down they've just cleared the site so I'm sure they'll start building soon. This street will definitely be developed soon. I'll speak to her at the end of my build and let her know if I recommend my builder!

Spoke to George yesterday. Neighbour is happy to have no fence with the garage. Now I'll just have to speak with him to see if he's happy to split the cost, otherwise I'll probably just keep it until it falls down! George MMSed me a picture of the rotten posts below the ground, so I'm not sure how much longer it will stay up.
George agreed that I didn't need to pay the 20% variation fee for the council pit which is good. That's why I like dealing with George better - he does't always try to overcharge me, unlike Dan.
Also received my replacement lights - they came really quick - on Monday. Impressive service. Although one was still slightly chipped! But less so than the other one. Also it is such a minor chip at the top I don't really mind. Now I just need to make sure when I hand it over that they take really good care of it as I know how easily it gets scratched.