I heard about it when I was in hospital visiting my niece - first time aunt!
For the previous 5 years, mum had been talking about buying land and building her dream home. She would go to auctions on Saturdays scouting out the different houses. Us children just ignored it, and didn't think she would follow through.
One day
She told us she'd bought a house. Saturday 19th April 2008. At auction = NO COOLING OFF PERIOD. 2 months until settlement.
Great. Mum could buy the house - if she sold the house we were living in. Not ideal. So next step, who's going to take the mortgage? D just had a new baby, P didn't want it, so that left me. Yay. I just got a mortgage. A house I'd never seen.
My new 50 year old weatherboard house on a 700m sq block of land...

...with the lovely wallpaper

And so began this journey...
I had absolutely no idea how to start. Except that I knew I would have to build a new house. The current house would not stand for much longer.
Googling 'How to build a house' did not help.
Life before house = stress free
Life after house = stress full
Lesson learnt:
Don't ignore mum when she says she's going to buy a house.
Prevention is better than cure.